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Why Fight So Hard to Stay in Business?



Do you remember the reason you started your business? What drew you to it in the first place?

It can be easy to lose sight of that dream once the bills start flying in, employees no-show, equipment breaks, customers don’t pay...

The Dream is still there. You just need to find it again.
  • Financial Independence
  • Flexibility
  • Leave Behind a Family Business
  • Pursue Your Passion
  • Be Your Own Boss
Call it a Dream. Call it a Goal. It's the reason you took the leap. But, how do you get from there from here?

Don’t Keep Your Eye on the Prize. Keep Your Head Down and Do the Work in Front of You.

I like to break down my Goal into the steps necessary to get it, the Plan. Then break down the Plan into daily/weekly/monthly tasks. This is where I focus my attention. My “Goal” is Action –complete each task every day; focus on what’s in front of me, according to plan. This gets me closer and closer to the reason I started a small business back in 2005.

Whatever your reason for starting a small business, I know this – YOUR TAX DEBT STANDS IN THE WAY OF YOUR GOAL. Resolving it is one of the most important tasks to be checked off your list, because the IRS won’t go away on its own. You can’t ignore it.

  • If you have a proposal from us, grab it and call us. 
  • If you need a proposal from us, grab your phone and call us
We’ll help you meet your Goal.

M&M helps business owners across the country check this task off the list every day.


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M&M Consulting has performed as they presented themselves to be. Their professionalism and understanding of the policies, laws, and regulations concerning the IRS has directed us to a pleasing resolution, while maintaining our future relationship with the IRS.
Keith H.
Green Isle, MN